Thursday, 24 October 2013

Retreat News

Its almost a year since I last blogged! How bad is that? My excuse is that I've been really busy! We have a beautiful new grandson who is now 7 months old and another due at Christmas.Its going to be a surprise what little prawn is!!! Peter and Kate are getting married November 2nd and I'm busy making bouquets and buttonholes! And that all comes after a very busy and successful retreat weekend. Here a few glimpses of the sort of things we got up to:


 Another piece of interesting news.......... Birds in the Barn have finally got a new blog, all thanks to Sue. We will be posting news and information about new products and workshops. So please pay us a visit. Short and sweet. Take care. 

Lynne x


JJ said...

Welcome back. Its good to hear from you again.

You have had a busy year, more to come by the sounds of it lol!

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Rocky said...

Great to see you in blogland again, I have missed you! What a year you've had. Those boxes look amazing, when's the next retreat?